Education and literacy
Education and literacy
'Literacy', the ability to read and write, is often equated with 'education', but they are not the same. Literacy is a step towards education. For me, education is the full development of a person in terms of knowledge, sensitivity and, most importantly, behavior in different situations.
Let's take a person who can read and write very well as an example. Let's say you did all your education at an English secondary school. He is very fluent in English. Therefore we can say that he can read and write. we say that he is well educated?I doubt it. I can say that he is educated only when his knowledge and the information received are reflected in his actions. If a person uses swear words and offensive words, then he cannot be considered a polite person. a feeling of calm and serenity.
can be forgotten, but education cannot. Frederick W. Robertson
said, “Teaching ends with the school year, but education
ends with life.
Take the example of a chef. Many people can cook, but not everyone knows what is called a chef.Also when driving, many people know the functionality and operation of all parts of the vehicle, say brake, clutch, throttle, steering and many more, but that doesn't make them a perfect driver. To become a driver, one must have good practices.
Literacy cannot make a man wise, but education can.
An educated person can only bring about changes in society
and contribute to the development of society, which leads to the development of
the nation. In India, almost every
educated person knows the saying "honesty is the best policy".However,
the question is whether everyone practices it in their daily
lives and activities. I think each of us knows the answer to this question.
The answer is no'. Very few people actually practice it,
although everyone knows it.We consciously try to avoid the
fact and that is something that differentiates between an
educated mind and an educated mind.
We can imagine an educated India if we
have an educated India. Literacy is a step towards education, and
if one fails in this fundamental step, it becomes difficult to get
educated. A person who can read and write in one language will
be considered illiterate if he goes to a foreign country and
speaks another language, but his behavior will reflect his
educated mind wherever he goes.
We need efficient and outstanding teachers who can educate the young generations, because the mind, once enlightened, cannot be darkened. Today we study by grades. We continue to discriminate against children based on their academic qualifications. Students with different abilities must be mixed in the right order without discrimination so that they can learn from each other. Everyone has their own ability and interest. We must encourage them to excel in the areas where they want to grow. They must be given the opportunity to develop themselves. If we judge a fish by its ability to climb a tree, we're just making a fool of ourselves. In teaching a child, parents and teachers alike should keep in mind Margaret Mead's quote: “A child should be taught how to think, not what to think.
The goal of education
is not necessarily mastery of a subject, but mastery of a person. I
would like to end with a quote from Joseph Addison: “What
sculpture is to a block of marble, education is to the human soul.

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