Why is homeschooling better than traditional education?
that familiar ringing of the school bell, constant peer pressure,
and unrelenting test anxiety? We've all been through this, right?
Many would agree that this is a time that everyone must go through
as it teaches children to adapt. under different conditions and test
the real world.
But what if I tell you there is an alternative?
One that addresses the weaknesses of the school system and
approaches the approach of a holistic educational philosophy?Yes,
you got it right! I'm talking about homeschooling, which is growing in
popularity every day and growing at a rate of 7 to 15 percent per year.
Around two million children are currently learning at home.
The concept of home schooling, despite being an age old educational practice, has recently regained popularity mainly in countries like USA, Australia, UK, Japan, Russia and many others including India. Parents may choose to homeschool their children for several reasons: They want more control and responsibility over what the children learn, they want to spend more time with the children, they want to teach religious education, or their child cannot attend a regular school because of illness.Whatever the reason, some of the main advantages of homeschooling over traditional schools have been discussed here.

Why is homeschooling better than traditional education?
Emotional Freedom
Unfortunately, the truth is that peer pressure, competition, boredom and bullying are part of typical school life.According to recent studies, the self-esteem of middle school children decreases. However, similar studies of homeschooled students have shown that self-esteem remains intact and these children continue to thrive. Children who are homeschooled can dress, act and think however they want. , without fear of ridicule or the need to “fit in”. They live in the real world, where life is not ruled by youthful tendencies and dangerous experiments.
Customizable Curriculum
When homeschooling, the curriculum can be tailored to the child's
needs, pace, and personality. The areas in which the child
excels can be accelerated; while weaker areas can be addressed with more
attention and additional resources. Parents can decide what their
child learns and when is the best learning time for them. A
personalized curriculum opens doors to many opportunities to grow
and learn. .View the full day timetable for Year 9 and Year
10 students here.
Better academic
performance (no drudgery)
Homeschooled children can achieve in a few hours what it takes a typical classroom a week or more to achieve. It was found that the quality of education in home education was better than in traditional schools.With more care and nurturing, homeschooled children learn things more easily than at school. They show more interest in courses that are more personalized than routine school courses.
Stronger Student-Teacher Bonds
Homeschooling leads to better student-teacher relationships.
Sometimes a child is unable to ask questions to the teachers in
their class due to shyness or other external emotions. This hinders
a child's academic achievement due to lack of understanding and clarity.
However, students may be more open to homeschool teachers
with questions and concerns.Therefore, your studies are less
likely to be hampered by your personal traits, such as shyness or
Closer family
Teens seem to benefit greatly from this
interaction, and rebellious and destructive behavior often subsides
soon after homeschooling begins. The teaching of family and social
values in the formative years of learning helps the child to
have a solid basis for life. Sometimes in conventional schools
a child tends to miss the point of what is good and what is not good,
due to a lack of attention from teachers, which home schooling fully
takes care of.
Provide a Safer Environment
Another benefit of home schooling is: Protect the
child from external extremes such as physical violence, sexual assault, drugs
and alcohol, psychological abuse, etc. As the number of these
cases in traditional schools is increasing, it is extremely important to
make a child a better person and give them a good education. Many
parents have started to choose homeschooling to protect their children
from the outside world where they are vulnerable to
unscrupulous people and may not know how to save themselves.
As long as parents ensure
that homeschooled children have the necessary learning and
educational experiences, homeschooling can be seen as a better
alternative to formal schooling.

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