Is self study or studying with tutors better?
Learning is a process that requires a
strategic approach to fully acquire
the knowledge. There are several
proven approaches to learning
different knowledge and skills.
Traditionally, instruction and teaching is conducted by an experienced teacher who is assumed to have mastered the skill being taught. However, some people believe that self-study is the better approach and therefore
learn from books without the help of a tutor.
However, it is preferred to have a teacher whenever possible.This can be
tested by looking at how teachers take a systematic approach, correcting our mistakes and providing
valuable feedback that guides us
towards learning success.
A systematic
approach is essential in learning and requires expertise to know the secrets of learning. For example, skills like swimming and driving require a
systematic approach to learning. Only
an experienced tutor can teach such skills,
and self-study will not help in
such scenarios.Even
self-learning can get into
dangerous situations if some learning steps go wrong. Therefore, it is obvious
that some skills require teachers to learn
are common in the learning process. A
teacher can help students by correcting their mistakes and also providing
feedback if necessary.On the
other hand, a self-learner may not know if he is making a mistake in the
learning process and may end up learning poorly. For example, a child learning mathematics without a teacher may end up using an incorrect arithmetic formula as there is no one to guide. This shows that the
teacher's help in correction and suggestion is important for a successful learning process.
In summary,
a teacher can help students learn
by following a systematic learning style, correcting students' mistakes and providing suggestions and feedback when needed.Therefore, it is a preferred way of learning with tutors.

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