Importance of Instructional Design in Education


Instructional design

As technology has made great strides in the last few decades, it has also affected the way we learn and the way we learn. Educational technology has seen some amazing improvements in the last decade. Today we will learn a little more about instructional design, its functions, its importance and more.


What is instructional design?

So let's first understand the meaning of instructional design to explore this topic further. Instructional design is generally defined as a systematized process of developing educational, teaching and training programs. That is, developing, designing and ultimately providing educational experiences in general.


In simpler terms, instructional design is another name for lesson planning. However, its scope is much larger. It is a much more comprehensive approach to lesson planning and implementation. Thus, the teaching material is prepared in such a way that it is necessary to keep in mind how the students will react to it. The ultimate goal is to achieve the student's goals.


Instructional design process

Instructional design combines education with technology and communication. The goal is to create effective learning patterns for the intended user. It's not just an information dump. It is meant to guide students to important information and guide them through the lesson.


Now each design is unique according to student requirements and lesson characteristics. However, some points remain common in every curriculum design. Let's learn about these steps in the instructional design process.


Steps in the Instructional Design Process

1.Analyze audience requirements. But don't limit yourself to just this. Also analyze the business needs, content and technologies involved in the proposal.

2.Another important step is to set learning objectives. This allows you to design content based on its emphasis. Make sure that none of the necessary information is lost in the data.

3.Now comes the main process of own design development. The first step is to create a list of topics by dividing the lesson into smaller parts. Then determine what approach you will use – video, audio, game, story, text, etc. Then implement attention-grabbing tools such as an intro video, quizzes, summaries, etc.

4.Create a scenario for the entire process. A visual representation of your proposal will help you better analyze and understand the content and possible shortcomings of your proposal.

5.The next step is to follow the script and actually prototype your design. So pick some important concepts or pages and develop them. It will help you understand what the final product will look like as a working product.

6.Now graphic designers and instructional designers will actually develop the product to deliver the training. This includes development of images and sound, creation of activities, comments, knowledge checks and many such tools.

7.And finally, we do a final product evaluation. We evaluate the impact of the training provided. The student must find the design educational and useful, as well as easy to understand and use. Take feedback and improve your design further.

The ultimate goal of the design process is to develop a reliable training program. It must enhance the student's learning opportunities and be a unique and attention-grabbing experience for them. Therefore, if the instructional design engages the student by making the information effective and attractive, it is a success.

Importance of Instructional Design in Education Importance of Instructional Design in Education Reviewed by Prashaant Mulik on August 20, 2022 Rating: 5

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