9 interview questions for job applicants about COVID-19

9 interview questions for job applicants about COVID-19

Although many people are unemployed due to COVID-19, some employers are hiring during the coronavirus pandemic.

However, some of the positions to be filled require employees to come to work in person. Job seekers may worry about getting sick. So how can job seekers know that an employer is thinking of their safety?

Here are some job seeker interview questions about COVID-19, especially for personal work.

1.How can we make the interview as safe as possible?

Remote interviewing has become common since the coronavirus pandemic began. But what if your interview is in person?

First, you can ask if a phone or video interview would be okay. flexible.

If you must go in person, ask yourself a few questions beforehand.

Since people shouldn't shake hands these days, does your company have a preferred alternative?

Do I need to wear a mask or take other safety precautions? Will the interviewer wear a mask? What can we do if I have hearing problems and need to see people's mouths to understand what they are saying?If I don't feel comfortable on the interview day, who can I contact to reschedule?

Is there anything else I should know before I arrive?


2.What changes have you made to safety protocols due to COVID-19?

Many employers are taking new steps to protect their employees from COVID-19. For example, some have implemented additional cleaning measures.Some provide gloves, masks, and other protective gear. And other employers have changed employee hours so that fewer people are working at any given time.

For safety reasons, the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC) has stated that employers can take certain measures during the pandemic, such as Taking the temperature of employees. But anti-discrimination laws in the workplace, like the Americans with Disabilities Act, still apply.

An interviewer should be able to advise of any changes in workplace safety protocols related to the pandemic, or refer you to someone who can.


3.How do you protect employees in customer disputes over masks?

Many businesses across the country are now requiring all employees and customers to wear face coverings to protect themselves from the spread of COVID-19.

In some cases, clients have refused to comply and have resorted to violence. confrontations with employees.

For customer-facing roles, learn how the employer plans for the possibility of dangerous interactions with customers. Here are some questions you could ask:

What guidance does the employer provide to help employees manage or reduce customer disputes related to face masks and other safety rules? When a customer interaction becomes dangerous, how can employees get help? The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) has provided guidance for workers and employers on how to limit workplace violence associated with COVID-19.


4.If one of your employees falls ill with COVID-19, what steps will you take to protect the rest of your employees?

Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) says, “Employers should inform and encourage employees to self-monitor for signs and symptoms of COVID-19 if they suspect possible exposure.

The employer should be able to share their record with you if an employee is suspected of having  COVID-19. OSHA requires employers to have clear procedures in place for isolating anyone showing signs or symptoms of COVID-19, and workers to know how to implement them.


5.How do you communicate real-time health updates to your employees about the coronavirus pandemic?

If there is an important public health announcement during your job, how will the employer keep all informed? Or if someone tests positive for COVID-19 at work, what steps would the employer take to provide the necessary safety



6.What is your sick leave policy? What if I have COVID-19 or need to quarantine? Ask the interviewer to provide information about the company's sick leave policy.

Earlier this year, the federal government approved a new paid sick leave policy in response to the coronavirus. It's a step in the right direction, but it currently expires on December 31, 2020.It also contains some loopholes.

Not all employees are guaranteed sufficient sick leave under this policy to cope with COVID-19. However, employers may have their own policies that go beyond what is required.

Please note that some employers require proof of illness, e.g. B. a medical certificate. Ask a prospective employer for the details of the policy to find out what you would need to do to gain access to sick leave.


7.What if I need to care for a sick family member?

Some employers have flexible policies that allow employees to stay home to care for a sick family member. In some cases, this type of leave may be covered by the new Sick Leave Act.

The new law does not cover all transactions or circumstances. Ask a prospective employer what your options are if you need to care for a sick family member.


8.Going forward, who can I ask if I have a question about COVID-19 safety protocols? 

Because the coronavirus pandemic is an ongoing event, employer policies may change after the new job has started, or possibly between accepting a job offer and starting work.

Before you accept a job offer, the employer should be able to tell you who to contact if you have any questions or concerns about the upcoming COVID-19 safety protocols.


9.What can you tell me about job security? 

Due to the coronavirus pandemic, some jobs and industries are facing more uncertainty than others.It is difficult to predict the future: at the moment there are many unknowns for everyone. But an employer should be able to speak honestly to you. Is it likely to be a short-term or long-term position?

The corona pandemic is presenting many people with difficult professional decisions. By getting the answers to these interview questions, you can make a more informed decision about your safety as an applicant and employee.


9 interview questions for job applicants about COVID-19 9 interview questions for job applicants about COVID-19 Reviewed by Prashaant Mulik on July 28, 2022 Rating: 5

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